(more recent photos are at the end of the page)
Welcome to Pine Hill Stables A painted squirrel?
Pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
Ryan and Midnight 1965 Brittany and William Benjamin and Brittany
Mrs. Mazuroski's multi-age class
Benjamin and Little Lady Brittany and Scribbles Paddock riders
Ben, Little Lady and Dingo Brittany and Icy Kids and horses
A family trail ride Sunset at Pine Hill
Mr. Snowman and company Mr. Snowman and his snowdog
Nap time Nap time More nap time
Benjamin and Jack Brittany and Cocoa
Lou, Lucky and Icy Just another wildflower
Dottie (Photo by Brittany S.) Star (Photo by Brittany S.)
Brittany and Tess Tess Tess
On the go
Cocoa Copper Jack
Lucy Moka
Tonyman- head mouse patrol Trouble and Sylvester- mouse patrol in training
Algebra and Daisy Freddie
Teany Helping draw warm water for the horses
Benjamin and Brittany Brittany and Benjamin
Benjamin and Cocoa Brittany and Cocoa
Emmie and Monkey Emmie's first ride
Trouble and Sylvester Daisy Freddie
A stormy day Winter at Pine Hill (Photo by Benjamin S.) A walk in the woods (Photo by Benjamin S.)
Star's clubhouse (Photo by Benjamin S.) More winter at Pine Hill (Photo by Benjamin S.)
Sylvester Baby skunk
The garden (Photo by Benjamin S.) The garden (Photo by Benjamin S.)
The garden (Photo by Benjamin S.) Maple sprout (Photo by Benjamin S.)
Tess (Photo by Brittany S.) Nash (Photo by Brittany S.)
Benjamin and Lucy Benjamin and Copper Brittany and Benjamin
The view from Pine Hill (Photo by Benjamin S.)
Pine Hill Road (Photo by Benjamin S.) Pine Hill Stables (Photo by Benjamin S.)
Pine Hill in the fall (Photo by Benjamin S.) Sierra (Photo by Brittany S.)
Cocoa Trouble Sylvester and Trouble
Lenni Sierra and Little Lady Nash
The crew The crew
Emmie Emmie and Tess Tess
Tess Emmie
The back side of the farm (Photo by Benjamin S.) Pine Hill (Photo by Benjamin S.)
Wanna see my tongue? Sierra
The Wishing Well                Welcome to Pine Hill Stables
The Wheel                Copper
George                George
Copper                Copper
Some of the crew                Jingo and Lenni
Lucy Moon                       Lucy Moon
Sandy                Trouble and Cocoa napping in the sun
Gus the muddy puppy                            Gus the sleeping puppy

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